It’s always overwhelming the first few weeks after baby has arrived, the sleep deprivation, not sure what your doing if its your first, and the list goes on, the last thing you need to think about are newborn photos right? Here’s where we take all that stress away. Our studio provides everything needed for your little one’s first modelling gig, all the beautiful wraps, blankets, bowls and head ties, all you need do is worry about getting yourself and hubby dressed. We will give you a little info sheet to follow to help your session run smoothley. We will come to your home as well for a simpler styled session.

Don’t worry about if your baby is going to sleep for their session, that’s our job, we have little tricks up our sleeve. Having newborn photos is best within the first 2 weeks whilst abes is more sleepy and easier to curl into those adorable little poses. However if you miss this timeframe don’t worry please still get in touch. If baby is premmie that that window opens up even more. 

Here are some newborn squish for you to love ♥♥



Your info sheet will contain information like to dress baby in easy to remove onesie no singlet, give bub a good feed prior to arriving and to please bring a dummy. Dummy’s can be really handy as they help us to settle your baby without overfeeding which can result in pains in the belly. If you don’t plan on using a dummy please be assured that babies don’t get attached to them for the small amount of time we will use it, if we need to. Its all about having happy babies and happy parents.